We Have Everything You Need

Attic Zipper is a small US business that manufactures everything we sell right here in the US. Our focus is promoting affordable energy such as solar and greener healthier living. Our product line is low-cost, highest-quality attic access and crawl space entry covers which not only saves our clients significant utility bill money, but also helps them reduce their overall energy consumption; ultimately allowing them to play a role in making this planet a healthier place. In helping our customers invest in their lowest hanging home efficiency fruit,  with noninvasive energy saving adjustments, we benefit their pocketbook significantly and help preserve our planet.

Attic Zipper Cover saving energy costs
Attic Zipper Cover installed on an attic hatch

We Provide Attic Access Insulation Covers

Attic Zipper is a Customer Harvest “Our Blue Earth™” brand. We are a small, innovative company focused on creating smart attic access insulation products smartly engineered to reduce energy consumption in residential homes. The Attic Zipper is an attic access insulation cover and energy saving device that prevents air infiltration and exfiltration through the attic entryway in homes with a pull down ladder or a scuttle entry door. We also make these for vapor barriered and conditioned crawl spaces. It contains reflective bubble insulation inside the laminate and takes only minutes to install. We have units with batt straps that meet the IECC compliance codes for new construction.

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